Logistics and transportation done right!

Here at Yun Tin we seek to provide best-in-experience service that not only is it affordable but reliable, fast, and environmentally friendly. If you want to beat out the competition, we got you covered! 



Our Key location allows us to provide trade solutions with the rest of China.


Ease of access to other major Asian countries including: Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, and many others!


Our Cargo vessesl are far reaching. Wanting to trade with USA and Europe? We got you covered. 


In the System Control Room Technical Operator Stands and Monitors Various Activities Showing on Multiple Displays with Graphics. Administrator Monitors Work of  Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Mining, Neural Network, Surveillance Project.

Fast and affordable

Our trade routes and partners allow us to provide a fast service while remaining competitively priced.

item profiling

Allows items to be best grouped in order to provide better rates and smarter business choices.

Global planning

Our agents can help you plan out the best solution to meet your business goals whehter distributing on a large scale or picking out the best markets for your product.

companies we've worked with